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Exocrine System II

Regular price $138.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $138.00 CAD
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Exocrine System II:

1. Axillary Nodes
2. Brunner’s Glands
3. Cartoid Gland
4. Cervical Glands (Neck)
5. Coccygeal Gland
6. Gastric Fundus Gland
7. Glandula Duodenails
8. Haematopoietic Reservoir
9. Lactiferous Gland
10. Lymph Glands, Intestinal
11. Lymph Nodes (General)
12. Mammary Gland
13. Mandibular Lymph Glands
14. Mandibular Salivary Glands
15. Milk Ducts
16. Parotid Gland
17. Pyloric Glands
18. Sublingual Gland
19. Adrenocortical Secretion
20. Adrenomedullay Secretion
21. Anterior Pituitary Secretion
22. Cervical Mucus
23. Cholesterase
24. Cholesterol
25. Choline
26. Chylus
27. Culaneous Seburn
28. Gastric Acid
29. Glycogen
30. Lysozyme
31. Mucin
32. Mucus
33. Nipples
34. Ovarian Secretion
35. Pancreatic Diastase
36. Pancreatic Juice
37. Parathyroid Secretion
38. Parotid Secretion
39. Posterior Pituitary Secretion
40. Renin
41. Secretion from Appendix
42. Serum Albumin
43. Synovial Fluid
44. Testicular Secretion
45. Trypsin
46. Urobilinogen

Care Instructions

Don't leave in the sun or near UV source.

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