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Endocrine System Steroid Pathway (Endocrine SSP)

Regular price $225.00 CAD
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Endocrine System Steroid Pathway (Endocrine SSP):

1. Adrenal Cortex
2. Adrenal Medulla
3. Endocrine Pancreas
4. Enteric Endo. System
5. Hypothalamus
6. Islets of Langerhans
7. Ovaries
8. Pancreatic Alpha Cells
9. Pancreatic Beta Cells
10. Parathyroid Gland
11. Pineal Gland
12. Pituitary-Anterior (Adeno.)
13. Pituitary-Posterior (Neuro.)
14. Prostate
15. Testes
16. Thymus
17. Thyroid
18. ACE Angiotensin-Conv Enz.
19. ACTH Adrenocortico Hom.
20. ADH Antidiuretic Hormone
21. Angiotensin II
22. Calcitonin
23. Cholecystokinin
24. CRH Corticotropin-Rls.Hor.
25. Epinephrine (Adrenaline)
26. FSH Follicle-Stim. Horm.
27. Gastric Inhibitory Peptide
28. Gastrin
29. GH - Growth Hormone
30. Glucagon
31. GnRH Gonadotr-Rls. Hor.
32. IGF-1 Insulin-Like G.Factor
33. Insulin
34. Leptin
35. LH Luteinizing Hormone
36. Melatonin
37. Neuropeptide Y
38. Norepinephrine
39. Oxytocin
40. Parathyroid Hormone
41. POMC Proopiomelanoc.
42. Prolactin
43. Secretin
44. Somatostatin
45. Thyroglobulin
46. Thyroxine T4
47. TRH Thyroid-Rls. Hor.
48. Triiodothyronine T3
49. TSH Thyroid-Stim. Hor.
50. Vasopressin
51. VIP Vasoac. Intest. Peptide
52. Hydroxylase en. CYP17
53. Aldosterone
54. Aldosterone Synthase
55. Androstenedione
56. Aromatase CYP19
57. 3 B-HSD 3 Hydrox. Hydro.
58. 17 B-HSD 17 Beta- H. H.
59. 11 B-Hydroxylase CYP11B1
60. Cholesterol
61. Corticosterone
62. Cortisol
63. Deoxycorticosterone
64. 11-Deoxycortisol
65. Desmolase CYP11A1
66. DHEA
67. Estradiol
68. Estriol
69. Estrone
70. 21-Hydroxylase CYP21A2
71. 17-Hydroxypregnenolone
72. 17-Hydroxyprogesterone
73. Pregnenolone
74. Progesterone
75. Testosterone

Care Instructions

Don't leave in the sun or near UV source.

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